
Public Transportation: 杰克逊维尔运输管理局

杰克逊维尔运输管理局 services the Northeast Florida 地区 and has various routes throughout the city. Line #19 – Arlington has the closest stops for students to hop on and transfer to 其他线路,取决于它们的目的地. 
JTA提供 大学生年卡计划 wherein local students attending an accredited college 或大学 can ride any JTA fixed route bus or First Coast Flyer route free of charge once your enrollment 确认. You must use an email address associated with a local accredited college 或大学. 
皇冠体育官网建议您提前计划您的行程 JTA计划你的旅行工具 如果使用他们的服务. 学生可以复习他们的 机票/经过这里.

灰狗巴士 & 美国铁路公司的火车 

在美国访问其他国家时.S.在美国,学生可以选择乘火车旅行 飞机、火车或公共汽车. 的 灰狗巴士 is currently the main bus line in America, and often services smaller towns which 不能坐火车到达吗. 
In comparison, trains are usually faster, more comfortable, and about the same price 当公共汽车. However, the passenger train system is limited in the U.S.,视情况而定 在 destination may require usage of bus and train. 美国铁路公司 is aware of this complication, and when planning a trip to a destination in which you must take the bus for a limited distance 美国铁路公司 will schedule and include this 在您的预订中. 
For more information about times and routes visit their websites linked above.

+1 (904) 356-9976 
+1 (800) 872-7245 



As an international student you will have the ability to purchase a car from a car dealership or a private individual who has advertised a car for sale. 无论如何 你应该随身携带一张美国护照.S. American acquaintance that is both knowledgeable about 汽车和怀疑的本性. Such person could help you evaluate both the condition of the car and the claims made by the person who is trying to sell it.  这些评估 are essential because buying a car, especially a used one, can be very difficult to 理解. 当你买了一辆车 “所有权证明书” or “所有权证明书” must be transferred from previous owner to the current car buyer.

All cars in the State of Florida must be registered. 如果你买车,你必须登记 查一查那辆车的车牌. 可以获得有关此过程的信息 在 Florida Highway 安全 and Motor Vehicles website.

法律要求汽车保险. Check with the Division of Motor Vehicles regarding minimum insurance requirements and contact automobile insurance agency regarding differences in insurance costs and coverage in order to make the most informed decision. 


You can choose from a variety of insurance companies, some of which have agents in 杰克逊维尔地区. We recommend students ask a friend or visit an online search engine for auto insurance companies that provide service to drivers in the NE Florida 地区. 

  • 的 cost for the insurance is called the “premium”. 你必须支付给自己的金额 if you get into an accident is called the “deductible.“如果你想要保险 for damage to your car, you will need to purchase "collision" coverage as well.
  • If you have a bad driving record or are a new driver, your premium will be higher.


Students who choose to purchase a vehicle must register it with 校园安全 & 安全 给他们的车取个牌照. 许可证是免费的,而且是必需的. 

  1. 登录您的MyJU门户.
  2. Go to the "Student" tab and expand the "校园安全" drop down.
  3. Click on "Online Vehicle Registration" and complete the form.


Year: If you're unsure, check your car's manual or registration paperwork.

校园安全提醒 & 安全

  • Peak parking demands occurs from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM when the majority of classes are 计划. 
  • 的 speed limit in all parking lots is 5 mph or less depending on traffic conditions.
  • 永远“合法”停车 
    • Parked vehicles must not obstruct access ramps, loading zones or traffic, or obstruct access by any emergency vehicle such as fire department, emergency medical services, 或警察. Parked vehicles cannot interfere with normal University operations or create 一个风险. Vehicles parked in such a manner are subject to being issued a citation 和拖.  
    • Fire lanes and emergency vehicle parking: Red-lined areas (includes red curbing). Parking in designated fire lanes is prohibited at all times.
    • No Parking Areas: Yellow-lined areas (includes yellow curbing)
    • It is the driver’s responsibility to find a legal parking space. 缺乏批准的 or convenient space is not a valid excuse for violating parking regulations.
    • 不要在15英尺内停车. 根据佛罗里达州316号法令.1945.
    • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-accessible parking is controlled by Florida 法律(佛罗里达州法令第316号).1955, 316.1957年和316年.1959年),并要求有效的标语牌 or license plate issued by the Department of Highway 安全 and Motor Vehicles. 校园 安全 and 安全 cannot issue ADA permits and is not authorized to give anyone permission to park in these spaces without the state-issued placard or license plate.  
    • Don’t park in access aisle of disabled parking space (striped area) (Fine for parking 即使有许可证,进入通道也要250美元。
    • 的 City of Jacksonville Parking Enforcement Division and Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO)  may also enforce parking regulations on 校园 such as; handicapped parking, fire lane, and expired state license plate violations.
  • Parking lots I and K are designated overflow parking lots.
  • All parking lots 在 JU Interactive Parking Map are Color Coded: 
    • NEON GREEN -员工(教职员工)
    • 紫色-通勤学生
    • 绿色-南方学生
    • 黄色-居住在乡村公寓的学生
    • 蓝色-北方居民学生
  • 最违反的罪行: 
    • 沿黄色路缘(道路)停车  
    • 在草地上停车
    • Parking in Handicap Spaces (Without the Proper permit)
    • 预留车位停车
    • 沿消防车道停车(红色镶边)
    • 在装货区停车 

Any questions about the parking pass and/or vehicle safety and regulations on 校园, 请联系 校园安全 & Secuirty.

电子邮件: 校园.security@carloshenriquefotografia.com
电话:+1 (904)256-7585